Wednesday, May 23, 2012

FaithShared Churches

On June 26th, many churches across the country, among over 30 states, will be participating in event called 'FaithShared'. This, however, is not an event about sharing the gospel of Christ with others - but an 'interfaith' event about 'sharing a mutual understanding of the common bonds between faiths'. Participating churches will be reading from the Torah, Quaran, and Bible, and many will have Imams or Rabbi's guest speaking.

"This project will create opportunities across the United States for faith communities to strengthen ties with each other. We will counter the misperception, including in the Arab and Muslim worlds, that the United States is a nation defined by the widely covered images of the marginal few who would burn a Qur’an, rather than by a proud and longstanding tradition of religious freedom, tolerance and pluralism."

"Faith Shared asks houses of worship across the country to organize events involving clergy reading from each other’s sacred texts. An example would be a Christian Minister, Jewish Rabbi and Muslim Imam participating in a worship service or other event. Suggested readings will be provided from the Torah, the Gospels, and the Qur’an, but communities are encouraged to choose readings that will resonate with their congregations."

Pluralism is the view that all religions contain some truth, or are equally valid paths to God, and therefore no one can assert their own religious 'truth claims' as authoritative.

"Many people today confuse traditional Western religious tolerance with religious pluralism...the latter assumes all religions are equally valid, resulting in moral relativism and ethical chaos..." Robert E. Regier & Timothy J. Dailey

"Philosophically, religious pluralism is the theory that the great world religions constitute varying conceptions of, and responses to, the one ultimate, mysterious divine reality." - Seena Fazel, Baha'i Library online

"Religious Pluralism is the view that all religions are equally valid as ways to God. Pluralists often refer to the fact that, just as there are many paths up Mt. Fuji, so there are many paths to God. Differences among the religions are superficial; they all lead to the same goal. This is the epitome of tolerance and relativism." Rick Rood.

"Religious pluralism is often used as synonym for religious tolerance, although the two concepts have distinct meanings. Religious tolerance implies that each person is entitled to their own set of beliefs without judgment or conformity to some cultural or societal standard. ...While religious pluralism includes tolerance, it is a more broad term that asserts that possible religious truth and value exist in many different doctrines, not solely that of the particular individual....As a theological argument, religious pluralism suggests that if all religions are from the same original source, then all must be possessing of a similar truth. This argument stresses the similarities between religion, often citing common stories, figures and doctrines. Pluralism has also come to mean the efforts between different denominations and different faiths to form an overall spiritual community. This is often used by leaders of the Christian faith to promote unity between the many different doctrines of Christianity. Because many religions have a similar basic goal or belief, proponents argue, they should be able to work together. Those who identify themselves as practitioners of religious pluralism often mean that they have built their personal spiritual doctrine on a wide variety of traditional religious beliefs. Rather than subscribing to one particular religious sect, pluralists pick and choose which beliefs resonate with them, regardless of the source. "

"Christianity (and most major religions) are founded on something objective. Whether it is the Bible, the Koran, or the Torah, at least people of exclusivistic faiths have something definitive they can say they believe in. There is an object they can point to and say "This is why I believe. Typically the pluralist (one who believes in many paths to God) has only their own bias and feelings to fall back on"


The following is a list off all currently known churches participating in Faith Shared, and some of their common traits.

*The positions and activities of one church do not automatically reflect on all other churches. I have tried to pull out the most relevant points from each church, and more information on any particular church can be found on their website. Individual churches may be more into social progressive activism, others social world charity, LGBT outreach, religious pluralism, or other core missions than their counterparts. For instance, the churches run a spectrum from very methodical teaching on the word of God and a solid grasp of redemption, or backwards to liturgical requirements as to days and required actions, to use of the Bible as an inspirational self-help book, to complete dismissal of God as merely 'love' energy and the Bible as a spark to ignite humanities own divine potential as the 'body of God'.

**Not everything about a church will be posted, including: various activities the church does amongst itself (such as 'going green') that do not affect doctrine or the world at large, things the church is doing right (such as feeding the hungry or helping the community), and other various activities and beliefs (for lack of space). The focus is on embracing of the LGBT lifestyle (e.g not condemning it as a sin, but celebrating it, performing weddings, teaching it in children's church or walking in Pride Parades or general social activism in regards to it), using the Bible not for the primary sake of sharing the gospel or personal growth, but as a platform for social justice/progressive activities (e.g. a mixture of beneficial humanitarian acts coupled with social activism including healthcare/schooling/amnesty for illegal imigrants, union benefits, redistribution of wealth/'robin-hood policies', climate-change activism, advocating for gay marraige), or data I simply cannot find. Good things about the churches will also not always be mentioned, as this list is highlighting what these interfaith churches have in common, or areas where their views of God have deviated from the Bible.

***Not everything posted is always something negative. For instance, one church Trinity Episcopal Church Janesville WI, deviated from most other churches on this list in the information on their site, and so I posted their stance on doctrine and marraige. Some churches have no posted info, which means their websites contained very little information on their beliefs.

Churches participating in Faith Shared:

Anchorage First Christian Anchorage AK ?

University Presbyterian Church Tuscaloosa AL

"During our services, you will notice that we at UPC often avoid naming God as either "he" or "she." We believe rather that gender-neutral language in reference to the Almighty is most inclusive of God's expansive presence that cannot be contained by our limited understanding of gender."

"Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people of faith in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA)."

"While the Presbyterian Church (USA) welcomes gays and lesbians as members, the denomination has effectively barred their ordination as ministers, elders and deacons since an amendment known as Amendment B [referring to anyone acknowledged as living in an unrepentant sin] was adopted by the General Assembly"

Quapaw Quarter UMC Little Rock AR

"Drawn together by the loving grace of God, we of Quapaw Quarter United Methodist Church believe that there are no inherent barriers to living in relationship with Christ. We welcome into our faith community people of all ages, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, economic means and family structures". --- QQUMC Welcoming Statement, October 2010"
- Rev. Betsy Singleton

Federated Community Church Flagstaff AZ

"Gathering Inclusively; Socially and Environmentally Active; Transforming Through Study and Prayer."
"Flagstaff Federated Community Church is a diverse congregation welcoming everyone in the spirit of Christ’s love. Connected by our love of God and by our commitment to demonstrate that love through actions, we gather inclusively, welcoming ALL people: all ages, all sizes and shapes, all ethnicities and backgrounds, and all sexual orientations."
We respect and celebrate our differences!

"Discover the progressive spirituality that sets us apart from other Christian churches" (coupled with picture of congregation members with progressive sign 'Hey Congress! [Climate Action 2007 Step It Up logo) Cut Carbon 80%]

First UMC Phoenix Phoenix AZ

"Arizona Interfaith Counseling has a branch office right here at First Church...The mission of Arizona Interfaith Counseling is to provide clinically competent, faith sensitive counseling to all persons for fees that are based on ability to pay. "
"The vision of care is holistic, embracing the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, relationships and the environment; works from interfaith and multi-cultural perspectives, with deep respect for the many expressions of faith, spirituality, culture, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation present within our diverse community; is different from other forms of counseling in that it is guided by the understanding that emotional illnesses are best healed by treating the whole person, based upon both the wisdom of spiritual teachings and the knowledge of human psychology. "

Rev. Karen Vannoy and Rev. John Flowers, co-pastors

All Saints Cathedral Pasadena CA

"We are honored to have All Saints' long-time friend and prophetic Muslim leader Dr. Maher Hathout, founder and senior advisor of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, preaching this Sunday, June 26, at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m."

"Adult Ed - A Journey into Celtic Christian Spirituality

Celtic Christian Spirituality is filled with metaphor, story, poetry and myth which expand our consciousness and allow us to enter the holy dimension that is in our midst. We find ourselves moving into deeper places where all is one, where there is a divine connection, and all of life finds a common cause. This is about synthesis rather than analysis; about moving beyond the rational and intellectual to the experience and images that express our faith-life."

"Adult Ed - East Meets West: What Christianity, Hinduism, and Budhism Can Learn from Each Other

We live in a multicultural society in which contact among faiths that seem to have contrary doctrines is more intimate that ever before. China and India have become, not only two of the most influential world economies, but also exporters of religious ideas that have captured the imagination of the West. A visually engaging and educational multimedia presentation will be part of this offering."

"All Saints Church joins with all those celebrating today's vote by the Presbyterian Church eliminating all official barriers to the ordination of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as ministers and lay leaders in their 2.4 million member denomination."

First United Lutheran, San Francisco CA

"On May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled that the right to marry extends to all couples . We celebrate this decision which gives same-gender couples the freedom to marry in California. We congratulate all couples who were married in this new "Summer of Love".

"Founded in 1886 by the Women’s Missionary Society as Women’s Memorial Church, it was the first Lutheran church on the West Coast to hold all of its services in English, if not also the first formed by women in the highly patriarchal milieu of 19th century American Lutheranism.....In 1989, the congregation again challenged the status quo by extending a call to an openly gay pastoral candidate, Jeff Johnson. In the subsequent years, the congregation actively participated in justice issues including homelessness, LGBT rights, and expanded interfaith cooperation."

"First United is an affiliate of The Center for Progressive Christianity (TCPC) and seeks to further its mission:"

''We believe that, as Hans Kung wrote: There will be no peace among the nations until there is peace among the religions. There will be no peace among the religions until there is dialogue among the religions."

"'The words of Scripture ignite Divine Wisdom in each of us. "

Light of Christ Ecumenical Catholic Church Longmont CO

"We seek mutual understanding and respect with those of other religions through dialogue and we seek mutual cooperation in the endeavor for peace and justice in our world."

"We uphold Catholic tradition with respect to the following principles: The teachings and person of Jesus Christ, The Old and New Testaments, The Nicene Creed,The sacramental and liturgical tradition practiced, Apostolic tradition and succession affirmed"

"We support such necessary and just changes as: Giving women the opportunity to serve God's people as ordained ministers. Allowing priests to marry and raise families of their own. Freely giving Jesus' gift of Eucharist to all people and welcoming them to the celebration of the sacraments. Recognizing the dignity of all human beings regardless of their race, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Willingness to "live in the question", engaging in prayerful discernment with individuals and the people of God in regard to divorce and remarriage, family planning, and same-sex relationships."

Park Hill Congregational Denver CO

"I was ordained the first openly gay pastor called by a church in Ohio in 1993 and wrote my doctor of ministry dissertation on Openly Gay and Lesbian Pastors Called by Predominantly Straight UCC Congregations"

"We were one of the first churches in Denver to march in the annual LGBT Pridefest. With members walking alongside our float, we seek to counter those who would marginalize anyone who seeks in sincerity to worship God and be Out and Proud."

"Social justice is at the heart of our understanding and practice of the Christian faith. It is in our bones. It started with our work in support of community racial integration and for quality education in all city public schools. In the face of a changing neighborhood, Park Hill Congregational Church fought the forces of fear and flight and actively welcomed new neighbors as equal partners.
That witness continues today through our welcome and advocacy on behalf of LGBT persons – as an “Open and Affirming Congregation” – and extends to the peaceful resolution of conflicts worldwide – as a “Just Peace Congregation” of the United Church of Christ."

(Nothing in their mission, invitation, or values speaks of Christ's redemption or truth, but rather how the 'inspiration' of Christ can be used to transform the current world.)

Union Congregational Nucla CO

"All are welcomed here. Continuing the focus on peace and justice issues will be a part of the future of this church both locally, nationally and world wide. Many families with folks who come from different church backgrounds have found homes in UCC’s across the nation because it allows each of them to maintain their own personal religious beliefs."

-Pastor Pat C Whiting

Temple Micah Denver CO

"In the mid 1950’s a small group of Jewish families from Congregation Emanuel sought something different from their synagogue experience. They yearned for flexibility and creativity in the How’s and the Why’s of their educational and ritual program....Our mission statement: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) Together, we at Temple Micah are committed: to learn and teach Torah and the traditions that bind the generations; to uphold the values of tolerance, respect, and compassion for all people; to practice tikkun olam (repairing the world), heal the ills and injustices of the world through tzedakah (charity) and acts of loving kindness. We are a welcoming community in which all may pursue a Jewish life journey."

Temple Micah had a group marching marching in the Denver Pride Parade - the Advocacy blog staff includes the presiding Rabbi, Rabbi Morris, and the official logo.
"The 200,000+ crowd enjoyed seeing Jews in support of LGBT rights. For the first time in the parade's history, there were four Jewish organizations and synagogues represented in the parade, including Keshet, ADL, Temple Micah, and B'Nai Havurah."

Riverfront Family Church Hartford CT
"Our church enjoys a unique combination of contemporary worship, progressive social policies and spiritual practice. Everyone enjoys our worship band, relevant sermons and our welcoming and affirming church family. "

"Spirit Club is a one-hour after-school program held in neighborhood homes for first-fifth graders or PreSchoolers-Kindergarteners. It is led by a paid professional Christian educator. Spirit Clubs typically include a mix of Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, and non-church-goers. The curriculum focuses on basic virtues common to all. "

-Founding Pastor is Nancy Butler, Associate Pastor, Jen Moyer
-Guest Speakers have given sermons such as 'The Hindu formula for Peace' and 'Peace in Islam'
-An 'open and affirming' church for practicing homosexuals

The National Cathedral Washington DC

"Our calling as a Cathedral and as a congregation is to live our faith as deeply and devotedly as we can, and to be a house of prayer for all people."

"Walking the labyrinth is a way of praying with the body that invites the divine presence into an active conversation with the heart and soul."

"Recharge your mind, body, and spirit with the ancient spiritual disciplies of chanting, labyrinth walking, silence, worship, and prayer."

Seekers Church Washington DC

"We desire and welcome participation in Seekers of women and men of every race and sexual orientation. In Seekers Church we will equip and support each other in all of these areas and seek a balance among them.

The Seekers community sees itself called into Christ's ministry of deliverance from bondage to freedom in every personal and corporate expression. We recognize the value of each individual and seek to heal any wounds of discrimination inflicted by our society and church. "

-Performs gay marraiges

"God is the name I give to the source of all creation... It could be what scientists call the Big Bang. .. I feel awe and trembling in the presence of that God because it is so unpersonal. And Jesus? I think of him as embodying the possibilities for human beings in a new way. He showed us what humans could contribute to God's creation story... I believe that we all contain the breath of God in our bones and sinews, but our culture seems to encourage a reptilian concern with safety and comfort, settling for success and security.

But Jesus came to show us a broader path --- to "love one another as I have loved you," he said. That principle is found in nearly all the world's religions. The question then becomes, how to do it. That's where the Holy Spirit comes in. Think of the Holy Spirit as the soul of every relationship, every community, leaping the barriers of individual differences, drawing us together for a common purpose. Luke envisioned the Spirit as tongues of fire. The Gospel of John calls it "teacher, counselor, and guide." However we experience that fire of connection, it quickens the lifeforce in us. It draws us together in community." From "Being the Body of God" by Marjory Bankson

"When Seekers Church worships, a different person preaches each Sunday. To model gender balance in leading worship, when a woman preaches we have a man serve as liturgist, and vice versa."

North American Old Catholic Church Washington DC

"Theologically, the church stresses the inclusive character of the Gospel, and welcomes the disabled, gays and lesbians, and persons of all classes and political affiliations as adherents. Those who are married, women, and gays and lesbians are admitted to holy orders at all levels."

National City Christian Church Washington DC

"We will seek to help everyone journey toward a fuller commitment to Christ by being an inclusive church family which fully embraces in its life and ministries people of every race, gender, age, culture, economic circumstance, sexual/gender orientation, family configuration, physical or mental condition, and all other distinctions which are the rich tapestry of God's creation."


Have you, as a gay man, avoided your spirit because of abusive religion? The creators of GaySpirits believe that gay people have a long history of unique spiritual giftedness."

"As an open and affirming congregation, National City welcomes the opportunity to host your wedding either at the church or one of ministers will gladly officiate an offsite ceremony"

"National City Christian Church is active in the Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), a city-wide, multi-racial, interfaith, non-partisan citizen's organization. WIN is made up of more than 50 churches along with unions, the public schools, and community-based organizations."

New Ark United Church of Christ Newark DE
"A Just Peace, Open and Affirming, Earthwise Congregation"

"The New Ark United Church of Christ is an inclusive and friendly congregation dedicated to being open to persons of every age, race, sexual orientation, ability and religious background. "

"The New Ark is dedicated to helping the environment, and as an Earthwise congregation, we strive to reduce global warming pollution by seeking out and implementing alternative and sustainable energy technologies"

-Reverend Patrica Carque

Faith United Church of Christ Clearwater FL

"We are identified by the UCC as a Peace and Justice Church and also as an “Open and Affirming” congregation, specifically including the LGBTQ people in our community. And we open arms to ALL of God’s people! Please join us as we sail into a new and more adaptive way of doing God’s work."

"We are Christians that invite all people to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they first become like us to be accepted."

"We find in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, our path to God.
We recognize that others find their paths to God according to their ways and we respect that in as much as they embrace God as the essence of love"
"We honor the search for meaning more than we do the expressions of dogma, especially those who claim to know the objective truth about God.
We see the church as an intentional community working toward what the prophets called “peace and justice”, honoring Christ’s prayer to “let God’s realm become a reality on earth”.

"We acknowledge the sacraments of baptism, as a ritual reminding us of God’s inclusive love for all people and communion as a “representation of the ancient vision of God’s feast for all people”.

We call ourselves progressive, meaning that we take the Bible seriously, but not literally; that following Christ entails a personal commitment to sacrificial love and a resistance to injustice to others; and a proactive stand to protect and conserve the natural world.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola Pensacola FL
"Unitarian Universalism has a rich history and is a living tradition. Though our roots are in Christianity and Judaism, we draw inspiration from many sources including the wisdom of the world’s faith traditions, nature, science, and contemporary thought."

"Green Sanctuary: The Green Sanctuary Team will assist in the congregation-based program of education, theological reflection, spiritual growth and social activism. The program ultimately leads the congregation to certification as a Green Sanctuary, recognizing ongoing work and commitment toward healing the Earth."
Minister Rev. Julie Kain

-Social Justice activities such as Peace Fest, and Progressive resources for community and environment involvement

Links on site to: Belief-O-Matic ["find out what faith you ought to consider practicing"] ["find a spiritual path that brings hope, clarity, happiness, etc", "explore your own faith or other traditions"] ["We welcome evangelicals, secularists, religious conservatives, liberals, Deists, Pagans, progressives, Animists, fundamentalists, Atheists, the undecided, the searching, etc." (A site that claims to explain all world religions accurately, but gives extremely weak apologetics of Christianity while throwing every 'skeptic' argument at it as a 'major' controversy and subjecting it to modern culture)]

United Church of Christ at The Villages The Villages FL

"topics have included hate crimes in Florida, immigration issues,
women in prison, Native American spirituality,
an evening of interfaith (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim)
storytelling, and two “Sacred Conversation on Race” events"

"We declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming Church, welcoming into the full life and ministry of our church all people of all ethnicities, races, nationalities, sexual and gender identities, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gendered people."

"A number of our members are lesbians and gay men, serving in leadership positions, and participating fully in the life of the church. We aspire to treat all members as children of God, coming ever closer to the ideal of the Kingdom of God here on earth."

"We believe that the persistent search for God produces an authentic relationship with God."

"So Paul was saying, "Sing different songs. Even in a style you don’t like, because it
may be speaking from the heart, or to the heart, of someone else in your community of faith...That is my hope for next Sunday when we will host Sheldon Skurow, the Spiritual Leader of Temple Shalom and Imam Abdurrahman Sykes of Islam, Inc. who will participatein our service of worship. This will be an opportunity to hear God’s truth at work in the religious traditions of others – God’s “song” of the Spirit."

Virginia Highland Church Atlanta GA

"… as a community of faith, covenant to cooperate with other communities of faith; to respect and affirm the rich differences of traditions other that our own, to listen of those elements in their faiths that speak to the universal presence of God's love and work in the world, to recognize that all of us see through a glass darkly and that we all are striving to discover and understand ultimate truth.

… as a community of the earth, covenant to work with other communities, to protect and preserve the ecological balance of all creation and to nurture a better awareness of the sacredness of the land and its limited natural resources."

"We strive to follow Christ’s example of service and transformation by working to help those in need around us and to make our world a better place. We do this work through mission teams such as our Green Team, Equality Team, Neighbors in Need team, and newly forming Peace and Justice team. These teams work to make our church and community more environmentally conscious, to raise awareness of issues of sexuality and gender equality, to feed and clothe those in our neighborhood who lack basic necessities, and to address local, national, and global issues such as war, hunger, and oppression. We also share the good news about our values and our community through our participation in community events such as Atlanta Pride and Virginia-Highland Summerfest. In doing these things, we live out the good news of God’s love for all people and God’s call for us as Christians to transform our world."

"Education Ministry: We have many opportunities available for children and adults to learn about progressive Christianity and the values we embrace."

"Nowhere does the Bible actually address the idea of persons being lesbian or gay. The statements are, without exception, directed to certain homosexual acts. Early writers had no understanding of homosexuality as a psychosexual orientation. That truth is a relatively recent discovery. The biblical authors were referring to homosexual acts performed by persons they assumed were heterosexuals."

Decatur United Church of Christ Decatur GA

"We want to be Radically Inclusive, reaching across lines of race, age, gender and sexual orientation. We believe that sexual orientation no longer needs to divide or keep us from worshiping and serving alongside people of all races, genders, ages, and sexual orientations."

"From our vantage-point as a primarily lesbian and gay congregation, we think it’s important to explore issues of gender and gender expression. We realize that social mores, stereotypes and mis-interpretations of scripture have limited the spirituality, creativity, and social acceptance of those who don’t comply to binary gender norms and we want to make a difference. Further, we realize that this is a theological issue as well as a social issue."

Pastor: Rev. Glenna Shepherd Associate Pastor for Congregational Life: Rev. Jane Acuff Associate Pastor for Spiritual Development: Rev. Kathy Burton Pastor Emeritus and Spiritual Director: Rev. Dr. Sally Purvis Pastoral Care: Rev. Ruth Gabriel Pastor Moderator: Barbara Bugg, Vice Moderator: Linda Armstrong
(i.e. the only position males have among the clergy or the lay are not in authority, but in treasury or tech/media)

The Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist College Park GA

"Gay Men’s Fellowship Group meets in the Parlor. Join us!"

"What do we owe the Navajo? For the minerals extracted from their reservation? Estimates run from 3 to thirty billion dollars that the tribe has been underpaid for oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium. But that’s a legal issue—something for the courts....What do you and I owe them, as individuals, today? Are we called to involve ourselves?"

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church Honolulu HI

"We are truly a House of Prayer for All People."

"The House of Prayer Window is placed in the entry gallery of St. Elizabeth's and was given by Stella Ho Lau in memory of her husband, Yuen Lin Lau, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ho Kee Seu. The symbols of six major religions are depicted, including Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and Judaism, woven through the Cross of Christ."

-Performs gay/lesbian weddings

Church of the Epiphany Honolulu HI

"What is Christianity? Christianity is the name given to a faith and way of life that focuses on Jesus Christ as a full expression of who God is. This faith may be practiced in a variety of ways.

"The Five Marks of Mission are as follows:
1) To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
2) To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
3) To respond to human need by loving service
4) To seek to transform unjust structures of society
5) To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth"

Is one of Hawaii's gay and lesbian wedding venue sites.

Cathedral of St. Andrew, the Episcopal Diocese of HI Honolulu HI
"Faith Shared: A service celebrating the Unity of Abrahamic Faiths in the Cathedral"

"The Cathedral Church of Saint Andrew is a gathering place that joyfully reflects God's Love, dedicated to the values of community as expressed through Mana (divine energy), Pono (righteousness), and Malama (caring stewardship)

"Jews, Christians, and Muslims, known as “people of the book,” believe that the content of their respective scriptures was revealed by God and provides instruction on how to live a in a manner pleasing to God. Our gathering this evening celebrates this common bond."

-Performs gay/lesbian marraige ceremonies

Collegiate United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation Ames IA

"Collegiate United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation of Ames, IA welcomes and affirms all persons without regard to gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental ability, marital status, economic condition, or anything else which threatens to divide God's family. In our quest to follow the example of Christ, we will employ no circles of exclusion and we commit ourselves to loving acts of invitation, hospitality, and reconciliation, providing ministry to, for, and with all persons without exception."

"Our call is to be a voice of progressive Christian faith in a world that increasingly believes Christianity to be irrelevant or unimportant. "

Congregational United Church of Christ Iowa City IA

"By being one of hundreds of congregations to participate in this project on the same day, we send a message to our community and to the world that Americans do respect religious differences and reject religious bigotry and the demonization of Islam or any other religion. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have disagreements, or that we are naïve about the challenges facing our country. But we will let the world know that we understand that respect for human dignity, human rights and the rule of law is the foundation of our strength and security. And more importantly, we will act accordingly."

"This morning we join with churches in Iowa and across our nation in marking "Faith Shared." David Roston, a member of Agudas Achim, and Shams Ghoneim, from the Muslim Public Affairs Council, will be speaking during worship as we consider the need for interfaith understanding and cooperation."

"The Congregational United Church of Christ is an “Open and Affirming” congregation.

We know, with Paul, that as Christians, we are many members, but are one body in Christ, members of one another, and that we all have different gifts. With Jesus, we affirm that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, that we are called to act as agents of reconciliation and wholeness within the world and within the Church itself. We recognize the presence of ignorance, fear and hatred in the Church and in our culture, and covenant to not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, nor any other irrelevant factor, and we seek to include and support those who, because of this fear and prejudice, find themselves in exile from a spiritual community.

"We welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to worship with us, join our congregation, and take an active role in our leadership, ministry, and mission."

"This event [The Iowa City Pride Festival] is a lot of fun. There is delicious food, entertainment and lots of vendors. This is a wonderful opportunity for our church to show its support for the GLBT community and to highlight our church to those who are interested. Many people ask for details about our church and we have literature to distribute."

Urbandale UCC Church Urbandale IA

"Urbandale UCC is an open and affirming and just peace church"
"an Open and Affirming congregation that welcomes persons of every age, race, gender, nationality, ability, and sexual orientation"
"a "Just Peace" church that seeks to empower ourselves, our children, and one another to be fully present in the world, living in Christ's image and striving for justice and peace"
"UUCC is an open and affirming congregation and all couples with an Iowa marriage license are welcome to be married at the church."

"Pride Day: This annual celebration of gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender identity is a perfect venue for us to proclaim our extravagant welcome as an Open and Affirming congregation and invite all into our fellowship."

"Our congregation is involved with AMOS (A Midwest Organizing Strategy), and we will intentionally engage members in one of four study/action groups AMOS is currently working (immigration, the economy, health care and education)."

Hillview United Methodist Boise ID

"We are a Reconciling Congregation, welcoming all persons into full participation in the life of the congregation regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender identity, family configuration, racial or ethnic background, economic status, or mental or physical abilities. As we journey to the reconciliation of all persons as children of God, we celebrate our human family's diversity."
"We offer all sorts of ways to engage the gospel and to take Christ to the world. ..*Balance mission participation between mercy (charity direct services) and justice (including advocacy, long-term solutions) programs. *Explore new ways to communicate justice issues to the congregation. *Strive to educate the Hillview congregation about God’s mission in our community, nation and world. *Make our congregation aware of the world’s challenges and raise their consciousness. ..*Involve all age groups in mission programs

“I told him God wasn’t a deity — a someone. Rather God was the divine energy and presence that flowed through all existence offering healing and transformation — the consciousness that invites us to see what is good and beautiful — seeking expression through creation. I told him God was love. He thought about this for a moment and then said with a smile, “Well, I believe in love. … ”
"Jesus is what love is like in human form. He demonstrates what is possible when a person is thoroughly open to love. So, when I experience Jesus, I begin to share in that love. Following Jesus is about opening myself to express God in the world — to express LOVE in the world."

Pastor Barbara Nixon 'Everyone can share in the expression of love this season'

There are still others (and I include myself among them) who believe the Bible documents how God has been experienced by many different people - over an extended period of time. This means that what we have in the Bible are various views of God and how God has interacted with humanity. From this perspective, there is insight and knowledge to be gleaned from the many distinct and complementary books that comprise the Bible. It is all held as sacred, but not all accounts are considered historically accurate because God has been interpreted for us by those who authored the Bible. This means the Bible offers insight into how God was experienced in another time, place and context and how those experiences are good news and information for us today."

Pastor Barbara Nixon 'On faith: Beware the pitfalls of quoting the Bible'

Senior Pastor: Reverend Barbara Nixon

Boise First United Methodist Church, Cathedral of the Rockies Boise ID

-On list of 'welcoming Gay Friendly Churches in Idaho'

"The Green Team’s mission is to celebrate and preserve the wonders of God’s creation through recycling, offering training and education and sponsoring Earth Day activities and the pet blessing service each October."

First United of Oak Park Chicago IL

"Though others have used my name to oppress, exclude and preserve their own privilege, you will bear witness to me by liberating the poor, welcoming strangers, and caring for your neighbors – even when it is unpalatable, even when it requires sacrificing your own comfort and convenience...I see you move beyond simply providing charity to people in need toward working to change structures that sustain injustice."

"More Light Presbyterians and That All May Freely Serve (TAMFS) are two groups within PC(USA) that advocate for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the life of the church. The UCC Coalition consists of several groups which advocate for the extravagant welcome of GLBT women and men. Oak Park PFLAG, or Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays is a local chapter of a national non-denominational group that meets monthly at our church and provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity as well as acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity. More information can be found at:,,, and"

"In 1996, First United Church of Oak Park became an Open and Affirming/More Light congregation. This caused a few members to leave, but without regret, the members of First United give thanks to God each day for new life among us. First United Church openly welcomes into membership and leadership faithful people without a review of their sexual orientation."

"After an intense period of activism, our congregation is balancing the work of faith with the need for action. Mission is less about faithful action, and more about involvement and transformation. Education is less about outside speakers and expertise and more about reflection and nurture."

- Lead Pastor Rev. Dr. Julie R. Harley

"The GLBT group at First United is called UP! - United and Proud. We meet for a monthly Bible Study, plus social activities for UP! members and their families too. We do community-building and advocacy. We are singles, couples, and families with kids."

St Thomas Mission Chicago IL

-On list of Chicago LGTB welcoming churches

The Chicago Temple First UMC Chicago IL

"As an urban church, the Temple attracts all kinds of people, especially people who feel at home with diversity. The Temple's staff is diverse. Its membership is diverse - white, African-American, Asian, Hispanic; single and married, separated and divorced; gay and lesbian; young, middle-aged, and old."

First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne Fort Wayne IN

"Affirms its conviction that neither the Church as the body of Christ, nor Christians as individuals, can be neutral or indifferent toward evil in the world; Affirms its responsibility to speak on social and moral issues for the encouragement and instruction of the Church and its members, seeking earnestly both to know the mind of Christ and to speak always in humility and love; Reminds the churches that their duty is not only to encourage and train their members in daily obedience to God’s will, but corporately to reveal God’s grace in places of suffering and need, to resist the forces that tyrannize, and to support the forces that restore the dignity of all men as the children of God, for only so is the gospel most fully proclaimed."

"Homosexuality Team provides education about issues of inclusivity. "

Northminster Baptist Church Monroe LA

"The proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Gospels, and the call of God to all people to repentance and faith, reconciliation and hope, social and economic justice."

"The responsibilities of each person being created in the image of God are taken seriously as we experience the adventure and aspiration of corporate worship, which promotes recognition of inclusiveness, honesty, acceptance, and challenge. Through worship, we seek to encounter and celebrate the love and mercy and grace and mystery of God."

"..the earth and all that is within it is, indeed, good. The person praying at Glendale a few Sunday mornings ago remembered God’s delight in creation and reminded us in his prayer to delight along with God in the perspective and promise and plan God’s spirit, God’s presence provides.

Perhaps this is why the Psalmist in Psalm 8 looks to the heavens and marvels at the earth, at the “infinite variety of God’s Plan” and asks, “What is woman that You rejoice in her, and man that You delight in him?”

“Who am I?” she [David, apparently] seems to ask. “Why do you care about me when all of these other beautiful creatures and things exist?” She looks at the earth, at the trees and the work of Love’s creation and gains perspective and awareness – a holy humility, a sacred knowledge.

Asking questions many of us have asked before – the Psalmist seems to tune into an Other – awareness, acknowledging and admitting that she is not the only one living and breathing on this earth. Indeed, as she continues to write and praise and marvel at the work of God’s hands she acknowledges that God makes us “co-creators of the earth! Guardians of the planet! Caretakers of all creatures and land and sea and air we breathe.” These things, she writes, are placed in our hands, in our care, in our realm of responsibility. "

"Just as Paul writes to the Corinthians instructing them to “encourage one another, live in harmony and peace, greet one another with a holy kiss,” so the Hebrew storytellers of Genesis, chapter one, and the Psalmist in Psalm 8 invite us to marvel, admire and encourage the earth, to remember and know and proclaim that everything is good. Though we may forget this truth, this reality, this promise—the scripture, the stories are right here in our midst, reminding us all the while, all the time that we and the world in which we live are good. "

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst Amherst MA

"Welcoming Congregation (LGBT)" and "Green Sanctuary" Congregation
"As a caring Unitarian Universalist Society, we are dedicated to nurturing personal and spiritual growth, becoming a more diverse congregation, developing a visible presence in our community, and seeking to bring about positive change in the world.

Minister: The Rev. Alison Wohler

"The mission of the Sustainable Community Initiative (SCI) of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst is to create understanding of and to work toward the sustainability of our society and the earth. To this end, this initiative will include education about sustainability, social action, justice and environmental outreach projects, and spiritual reflection on the nature and purpose of our work toward sustainability as individuals and as a religious community."

"Sustainability is not merely a buzz word that applies only to environmental issues such reducing our consumption of energy, or maintaining the tropical rainforest, or buying into local community supported farms. It is an ecological word that speaks to every environmental, sociological, political, economic, justice and religious set of relationships you can think of. It is about the interdependent web of all existence in which everything we do has some effect and moves us either toward a sustainable web or toward a time when the web will disintegrate beyond repair."

Grace Episcopal Amherst MA

"We strive to reflect the values of the Episcopal Church by welcoming all persons who come to this house of worship, regardless of age, gender, race, class, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or anything that might separate us as brothers and sisters in the Risen Christ."

"Members of the Greening Grace group seek to inspire, educate, and encourage
each other – and the Grace Church community as a whole – to move toward
environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. "

"In its efforts to steward our beautiful but fragile earth, Greening Grace has initiated
and participated in a variety of events and activities, including, for example...
Participating in national events such as Step It Up, Focus the Nation, National Teach-In on Global Warming, and, and hosting the Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue".

Church of Our Savior Arlington MA

"As a progressive community of faith, we are called to welcome all seeking a safe spiritual home in which to learn and grow. We gather in a circle to worship the living God and share in a creative and inclusive Eucharistic liturgy, to experience peace and healing, and to renew our strength and purpose. We are called to use our many gifts to reach out in compassion to those in need and to work for justice"

Interim Priest: Rev. Tricia de Beer, D. Min

"Fourteen years ago, our parish faced a challenge that tested us. We were in search for a new rector. .. The name we decided to give the vestry was that of a dynamic preacher with strong pastoral skills. She was also a lesbian living with her partner of several years. While the search committee knew she would be the first openly gay rector and had contemplated what impact this might have, we perhaps naively believed that this wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) matter. While most vestry members welcomed our choice, a few were vehemently opposed, either because of their own disapproval, or because they felt the choice would tear the parish apart....We entered into a prayer-filled process, engaging people in dialogue, praying for one another, forgiving one another when anger and bitterness surfaced, loving one another when our differences seemed too painful to bear. Oddly enough, there are a number of people who came to our parish for the first time during this period, and have stayed to this day because they were drawn by how we faced this challenge. Several people did leave the parish because of this call. But our work continued to be God’s healing presence. We reached out to them with compassion and acceptance and sorrow. And we cared for one another in our own brokenness. We also welcomed many newcomers who were drawn by the choice we had made, people who had long been marginalized and now felt welcome, people who had never before been able to breathe freely and inhale God’s love in community with others."

St Paul’s Cathedral Boston MA

"Gratitude is too small a word to say how much we owe everyone who made signs, built rainbow altar rails, brainstormed slogans, painted stained glass windows, marched in the rain, gave out candy and cards, danced on a moving flatbed, chanted, prayed. A whole lot of people know that God's name is Love today, and they know because we weren't afraid to say it." (At the 2011 Gay Pride Parade)

"Classes: Adults grow in spirit and wisdom via Sunday morning classes and periodic small group gatherings. The classes cover a wide range of topics, from spiritual formation to the social and political issues of the day."

"The Labyrinth: This group takes a creative, embodied, prayerful approach to the maze-like labyrinth, located on the lower level of the Cathedral."

Old Cambridge Baptist Church Cambridge MA

"Old Cambridge Baptist Church is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts three blocks south-east of the redline Harvard Square T-Stop. We are a progressive and inclusive Christian community in the American Baptist tradition that seeks to answer God's call to hold fast to love and justice for all the earth and its peoples.

OCBC has been a welcoming and affirming church since 1983. We invite people from all backgrounds and walks of life to worship with us on Sunday mornings and in our daily lives."

"Social Action Team: We plan and lead the congregation in taking action on social justice issues. We develop recommendations for communion offerings and benevolences, and coordinate nominations for the annual Pauline Swift Award."

Some groups the church encourages its members to practice out Jesus tradition of liberating the oppressed through 'social change':

Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (for sexual minorities and allies)
Baptist Peace Fellowship (activists for world peace/anti-war)
The Center for Progressive Christianity (progressive understanding of faith) Christians Against the War in Iraq
Harvard Chaplains [A colaition of chaplains at Harvard from over 20 different denominations and faiths, including Bhuddism, Hinduism, Ziastrianim, Mormonism, and Baha'i.]
The Interfaith Alliance [A group that claims to support religious freedom and democracy, but is a far left activist platform for social change, railing against anyone who does not support their views as 'not understanding the Bible', and advocates the removal of many current religious liberties]

Hadwen Park Congregational Church Worcester MA

[The information on this site is copyrighted, so I will summarize and link. My summary might not be entirely the intended meaning, but they disallow quoting, so please check the link.]

-The welcome statement affirms that everyone is equal despite race, religion, or orientation, etc [although not in a everyones equal and God is no respecter of persons way, but in 'this church embraces whatever you choose to do in regards to choicest' sort of way] It's an Open and Affirming church (LGBT lifestyle embracing). Their welcome statement was written by the Social Justice Task Force.

-The church goes farther, into considering that preaching Jesus as the only way or that there is consequence for sin/judgement, etc, [the offense of the gospel and the like], is equivalent to horrific abuse and causes people to hate themselves. The church has counseling and recovery programs for people who have experiences this horrible travesty, and it reaches out to them according to their own spirituality/religion.

-God is not preached as the God of the Bible or the Christ who died to save sinners, but rather a God of myriad expressions who just wants to 'love' everybody thorough whatever picture they have painting 'God' as.

-There seems to be no doctrine of original sin or even that we all have fallen short of the glory of God, rather, the concept that everyone is born complete and it is only the oppressors of society (religious or otherwise) that hurt this.

-The Pastor is Judy Hanlon

Veritas United Church of Christ Hagerstown MD

"A Just Peace and Open and Affirming Faith Community"

"Some Christians preach love, tolerance and grace, but practice judgment, alienation and exclusion. A recent study of young people ages 16-29 showed that they believe Christians are hypocritical, judgemental, too political and homophobic.
[This was a study by the Barna Group.]
" Is that really the message the Church wants to give? Do we want the world to see us as judgmental hypocrites who hate gays and love running everyone else's life? That is not the message of the United Church of Christ and it is the reason Veritas exists. We are a Church committed to the Truth. What is this truth? That NO one is outside of God's love. God made you. That God loves you exactly as you are and that there is room in God's heart for you. Gay or Straight, Black, White or Latino, married or single, pierced or inked, there is a place in God's heart (and with us) for you! Join us!" [The 'with us' meaning that their church does not require anyone to actually act on their faith and start being formed to Christ when it comes to sin, while condemning any church that tells the gospel story of sin, mercy & grace, and redemption as hateful.]

"[Rev Dr. Rob Apgar-Taylor] lives in Hagerstown with his husband (a D.C.Police Officer) and has 5 children and two young grandchildren."

-This church has not officially launched yet. It will in October '11.

Trinity United Methodist Mountain Grove MO

St. Mary's Episcopal Church Ely MN

First Congregational Great Falls MT

MtView/Trinity UM Parish Butte MT

-Pastor Dee Anna

On welcoming Gay Friendly churches in Montana list

Unitarian Universalist Ocean County Congregation, Toms River NJ

-Reverend Betsy Scheuerman
-LGBT 'Welcoming' congregation

"We welcome all who honor acceptance, respect, the richness of diversity, reason, love, and mutual trust"

"We offer you roots and wings; We ask of you responsibility and love."

"Truth is not absolute; it changes over time."

"They certainly do. Since individual freedom of belief is one of our basic principles, it follows that there will be differing beliefs among us. Found in today's churches are humanism, agnosticism, atheism, theism, liberal Christianity, neo-paganism and earth spiritualism. These beliefs are not mutually exclusive--it's possible to hold more than one. While we are bound by a set of common principles, we leave it to the individual to decide what particular beliefs lead to those principles."

"Because our services offer a variety of opinions and practices that reflect our tradition of a free pulpit, you may want to attend a few of them."

Example Sermon Summaries:
"Today we celebrate Flower Communion -- the only holy day unique to our faith. Flower Communion is much more than a celebration of flowers, or spring; it is a ritual which communicates the meaning and message of our faith. Please, BRING A FLOWER; as you choose the flower contemplate what it signifies."

"Beltane is one of the four great holidays in the Wheel of the Year. It marks the beginning of the season when plants bloom and animals bear offspring. The six-month opposite of Samhain/Halloween, it is also a time when the veil between the worlds is thin. What better time to celebrate the union of the divine male and female principles, personified in the May Lord and Lady. Join us to find out more about this fascinating spring holiday."

"Is Mother's Day a blessing, or a curse? What happens when women are honored primarily for their role as mothers? What assumptions are implicit? What truths have been obscured by sentimentality?"

Christ Episcopal Church Toms River NJ

Zion Methodist Church Las Vegas NV?

Prepare New York New York NY

"Prepare New York is a coalition of New York based interfaith organizations including - Auburn Seminary and its Center for Multifaith Education, Interfaith Center of New York, Intersections International [global social justice and local activist group], Odyssey networks [multi-faith coalition that labels anyone against their views as extremists or intolerant, advocates for world peace and social justice] Quest [An interfaith 'fight against religious bigotry' by teaching what all religions have in common], and Tanenbaum [working to fight religions 'intolerance' in schools, healthcare, the marketplace, and the world] and its Religion and Diversity Education Program, who are committed to preparing New York City (and the nation) for the 10-year anniversary of 9/11 by promoting civil dialogue, education about religious pluralism, support for the Muslim community, and coordinating events on the day of the anniversary. September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and 9/11 Communities for Common Ground serve as advisers to the coalition."

Auburn Theological Seminary New York NY

The Doctor of Ministry in a Multifaith Context program:
"Using a broad range of sources, students consider their approach to sacred texts and the encounter of their own worldview with those of others, especially in relation to the structures and processes of racism, sexism, classism, and ecological unsustainability - the goal being a hermeneutics adequate to the present-day ministerial context."

"..candidates have included religious leaders from a wide range of faith communities, including evangelical and liberal Christians from the widest array of denominations and contexts, rabbis, Muslim and Buddhist religious leaders."

"At the root of the debates over gay marraige, adoption and anti-discrimination legislation across the country is the nation's understanding of the (im)morality of LGBT people. That's why Auburn is working with the Arcus Foundation and leaders of the religious movement towards LGBT equality to help articulate the theological and moral goodness of LGBT people"

"Cultivating Wholeness from a Muslim Perspective: A Course in Pastoral Care: This course was designed for members of the Muslim community who wanted to develop their skills in and understanding of pastoral care. Topics included: mental health issues in Muslim communities, introduction to pastoral care, including listening skills and solution-based therapy; and health and healing from a Muslim perspective."

"In 2009, Auburn Media created curricula for seminary campuses that employ the powerful stories of Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and interfaith community organizing for eco-justice ."

The Sacred Center of New York New York NY

Spiritual Director - Reverend Jane Galloway

"We are so happy you have chosen to join us today.
We recognize and appreciate the divinity in you.

Sacred Center New York is a spiritual center, a sacred center, a community, which embraces and celebrates the teachings that the Sacred is in everything. We honor the Ancient Wisdom of the ages as expressed in sacred texts and enlightened revelations, and we learn to activate the Eternal Truths and Universal Laws in our lives. We teach and practice New Thought principles, affirmative prayer, meditation, artistic expression, emerging science and sacred service in community.

Come on your journey to Wholeness with us!."
"Our Teachers are:
* Jesus of Nazareth
* Lao Tsu and the Tao Te Ching
* Ernest Holmes and The Science of Mind
* Charles & Myrtle Fillmore and Unity
* Joel Goldsmith and The Infinite Way
* The mystical stories of the Old & New Testaments
* Bhagavad-Gita - and so many more. "

"..It is worth striving to get the right relationships between yourself and others, between yourself and your work, and between yourself and something larger than yourself. If you get those relationships right, a sense of purpose and meaning will emerge -Jonathan Haidt- The Happiness Hypothesis"

Christ Church United Methodist NewYork NY

The Riverside Church of New York New York NY

"Pride Sunday at The Riverside Church will be particularly joyous this Sunday as the Church celebrates the passage of the Marriage Equality Act"

"The Church commits itself to welcoming all persons, celebrating the diversity found in a Congregation broadly inclusive of persons from different backgrounds of characteristics, including race, economic class, religion, culture, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, family status and physical and mental abilities. Members are called to an individual and collective quality of life that leads to personal, spiritual and social transformation, witnessing to God’s saving purposes for all creation. Therefore, the Church pledges itself to education, reflection, and action for peace and justice and the realization of the vision of the heavenly banquet where all are loved and blessed. "

"In witnessing to God’s call for justice and human dignity, the Mission and Social Justice Commission of The Riverside Church seeks to celebrate diversity, build inclusiveness, and ensure equity for God’s people locally, nationally and internationally."

All Souls Bethlehem Church Brooklyn NY
"We are an inclusive communit, welcoming and affirming all - without regard to race or ethnicity, differences in ability, gender or sexual orientation - all who seek a liberal church committed to justice and an open spiritual quest. In 1999 our congregation voted overwhelmingly to declare All Souls Bethlehem an Open and Affirming Church, and more recently it voted, again overwhelmingly, to become affiliated with The Center for Progressive Christianity.

We are grounded in the Hebrew scriptures and the teachings of Jesus, but take John Robisnson at his word. ["God has yest more light and truth to reveal"] To that end we enrich our worship and spiritual pilgrimage by drawing from other wisdom traditions including Buddhism, and Native American spirtuality, and from other wise teachers such as Gandhi and the Dalai Lama."

"This Sunday, June 26, in honor of NYC Pride Sunday, our service will celebrate our LGBT brothers and sisters. Join us for special music, a refreshing mix of traditional and contemporary music. ASBC is a wonderful place to reflect on the World Religions in a non-dogmatic spirit of open exploration. At ASBC we affirm each person's right to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning."

First Congregational UCC Corvallis OR

"We recognize that all people are made in the image of God, and so we seek to be an inclusive community, welcoming all persons to join with us, affirming their gifts, and inviting them to exercise leadership in this community without regard to race, gender, age, sexual orientation, or physical or mental ability"

"Is Christianity the only true path to God? I would argue otherwise, as most of you know. So would the United Church of Christ which over the past twenty years has issued a number of pronouncements affirming our belief in the beauty and integrity of other religious traditions."
Senior Minister - Reverend Elizabeth N. Oettinger

Spirit of Peace United Church of Christ Sioux Falls SD
"We are progressive, diverse and inclusive....Even though our religion is more than 2000 years old, our thinking is not! We welcome ALL persons and invite you to come and engage your mind as well as your heart!"

"IF understand that faith is a matter of mind as well as heart, and that taking the Bible seriously means it cannot always be taken literally know that God’s love embraces all persons equally, no matter their gender, race, or sexual identity believe that Christ calls us to be nothing less than global citizens, that the social expression of love is justice,
and that spiritual concerns are inseparable from commitment to the natural world’ve wished for a more open and embracing community of faith in which to nurture your spirit and raise your children, and haven’t yet found a like-minded place of belonging.


...we invite you to join us in exploring the many ways that God is still speaking.
No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!"

"The labyrinth is a mysterious, ancient symbol that has been used for more than 4,000 years in cultures that long pre-date Christianity. The labyrinth at Spirit of Peace UCC is a reproduction of the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth near Paris, France, which was constructed in 1200 C.E. when Christians walked labyrinths as a spiritual practice.

Walking the labyrinth is a form of body prayer, a walking meditation. The path of the labyrinth symbolizes each person’s life and spiritual path"

Trinity Episcopal Church Janesville WI

"We are a recognized advocate for spiritual solutions based on the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh on issues such as the elimination of all forms of prejudice with an emphasis on race unity, the equality of women and men, the spiritual education of children, the importance of family cohesion, and the establishment of world peace."

Saint John's United Methodist Church Austin TX

"Saint John of Austin's is a community:..
*That wants to grow spiritually. While we may not find all the answers, we love to wrestle with the questions.
*That turns away from intolerance, exclusivity, and fundamentalism."

-Welcoming Certified Church

Hope for Peace & Justice Interfaith Peace Chapel Dallas TX

"Hope for Peace & Justice is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is equipping progressive people of faith to be champions for peace and justice...Religious dialogue is so dominated by conservative churches, denominations and para-church organizations that the average American is left believing that radical conservative views are the only ones held by spiritual people."

"Changing the world is a daily struggle. In part, it is a struggle to keep the world and the dominant culture from changing us. While they do not reflect the faith of the majority of Americans, fundamentalists have succeeded in commandeering the public discourse. The result is that they have become the ones to define orthodoxy and, to a large extent, faith itself....

Fundamentalists—both Christian and Muslim—are programmed by daily doses of authoritarian, fear-based, religious rhetoric. They can quote scripture and recite the mantras of oppression more quickly than a liberal can formulate the question. In a sound-bite/bumper sticker world of communication, that gives them a distinct advantage. Often we disagree with their interpretation of faith, theology and scripture, but, since we haven’t been programmed, it is more difficult to respond with conviction. “Liberating Word” is deliberately designed to invite you to ponder issues and grapple with questions so, when these subjects arise, you will be able to thoughtfully respond with as much conviction as any fundamentalist....These are not devotions, but are designed to evoke our devotion to the principles of justice and peace rooted in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. If you don’t find at least one a week with which you disagree then this project has failed. Its purpose is not to answer your questions but to strengthen your questioning. My hope is not that you will agree, but that you will consider your faith in a whole new way."

"The name Progressive Renewal is the articulation of a vision that our organization exists to service the progressive church in a systematic / progressive way. We understand Progressive Christianity as a faith that believes God’s family includes all people; God’s people are responsible for caring for the environment, the poor, sick and vulnerable; that education, healthcare and civil liberties are vital to abundant life and therefore the desire of God for all people; and that truth is found more often in honest grappling with the questions than in absolute hierarchical pronouncement of the answers. We further believe that this is the type of faith for which millions of Americans hunger."

Cathedral of Hope Dallas TX

"We seek to challenge all oppression, particularly the oppression of queer people. By embodying grace we live out our liberation until all are set free."

"We are a liberal Christian Church. By that we mean that we willingly embrace such traditionally liberal values as helping and advocating for the poor, valuing the environment and recognizing as sinful such oppressive attitudes as sexism, ageism, racism and homophobia."

"Cathedral of Hope is a member of the Center for Progressive Christianity. By calling ourselves progressive, we mean that we are Christians who:
1. Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;
2. Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;
3. Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to: Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics, Believers and agnostics, Women and men, Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities, Those of all classes and abilities; 4. Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe;
5. Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes;
6. Strive for peace and justice among all people;
7. Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth; and
8. Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.

"The 8 Points" (version 2011) The Center for Progressive Christianity -"

"The Mission of the Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of extravagant grace, radical inclusion and relentless compassion."

Wasatch Presbyterian Church of Salt Lake City Salt Lake City UT

"Wasatch Presbyterian Church is a congregation of...

...seekers and disciples, all trying to find their own unique way to follow God...those who have lots more questions than answers, those who have lived a life as faithfully as they could, knowing life is just plain difficult. ..those who hope to help make the world a better place. We have young and old here. We have singles and those in all kinds of family configurations. We have gays and straights, ...We have many who are spiritually hungry and institutionally suspicious. We come together each week to try to experience God and to make a difference in this world , a world we believe God loves deeply. We come here as often as we can to find purpose, and strength, meaning, and new ways to cope with all we are involved in all week long. At Wasatch, we catch our breath, spiritually speaking."

"WARNING:If you take the Bible literally you may be disappointed here. We hope not, but we think you should know that we don’t take all of scripture literally (any more than Jesus did), but we DO take it seriously."

"We also have many people - of all ages and from diverse backgrounds - who are new to church and/or new to faith. They give us new eyes to see how we can best worship God in this new day in history. That’s why individuals and families of all kinds and configurations are welcomed warmly at this church. Worship at Wasatch is traditional and contemporary – take your pick. The contemporary worship features fresh sounding guitar-led music. It meets Sundays at 9am. We call it "I Believe" but what we believe covers a wide swath of believing. "

Grace Episcopal Church St George UT

"Dear Friends,

Although the 2012 election is 18 months away, even now, the rhetoric of intolerance is flying through the airways. I feel strongly that we, as the people of God, bear responsibility for contributing to a culture that promotes truth, justice, compassion, and peace.
Towards that end, I offer a resource that has been very helpful to me as I listen to others, especially those who may hold very different opinions than my own. The online resource is called FactCheck.
This organization, a not-for-profit public policy center, checks the validity of the statements made by politicians. It gives accurate FACTS, not opinions or speculations. " [FactCheck is actually a (mostly) good resource for its statistics, although it too has inerrancies, draws wrong conclusions from data, and has a heavy liberal bias] ...This is kingdom of God work!"

Rector- Reverend Dr. Catherine Gregg

"LEAD:Outreach to youth who are gay/lesbian, or think they might be, or are afraid of what would happen if they were. This group is described in greater detail under the Young Adult Ministries page in this website. LEAD fills an important gap in Washington County as a safe , confidential space for youth to become informed, and to lead their generation in acceptance of and respect for the dignity of all persons."

"Caring for creation is part of our responsibility as Christians. Grace is active in advocacy for environmental protection, working closely with Citizens for Dixie’s Future and other groups to prevent misuse and protect the wonderful resources in Utah for all God’s people. "

"Partnership with other churches and religious organizations in Washington County is developed through our representation at the Inter-Faith Council. Meeting monthly, the Council commits to advocating understanding and respect of all religious expressions.."

United Church of Bellows Falls Bellow Falls VT

Cathedral of the Diocese of Vermont Burlington VT

"The Cathedral parish recently identified strategic priorities which include strengthening its voice and action for social justice, initiating partnerships with its neighbors to meet the changing needs in the Old North End of Burlington, and renewing its role as Diocesan Cathedral."

"After passage of the Civil Union law in 2000, many clergy in the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont began officiating at civil unions, signing the civil union license, and blessing the committed relationship of couples joined in civil union. Prior to 2000, many clergy offered pastoral ministry to gay and lesbian couples seeking God’s blessing. All this was done with the knowledge and pastoral support of the bishop. No member of the clergy was required to officiate at a civil union ceremony or offer a blessing to persons living in committed same gender relationships. Many congregations used the time around the civil union debate and subsequent legislation to lead congregational study and discussion groups on the subject of human sexuality, committed same-gender relationships, and marriage equality."

"Do you work or live closely with the earth? Have you installed LED lights in your parish? Does your faith draw you to the land? Send us your stories! One of our goals is to showcase the earth-care ministries that are happening in the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont. To this end we would like to post on our website any information, such as stories, explanations or pictures, about the ecological ministries or projects taking place in our Diocese. How does your faith inform your relationship with the earth? Please share your stories with others so we can raise awareness about the exciting earth care ministries happening here in Vermont."

Vermont Ecumenical Council & Bible Society Burlington VT

"We promote Christian Unity, ecumenical dialogue, and prayers for the whole of Christ's church. We encourage local cooperation and closer ties among churches. We provide leadership in spreading Christian values throughout society. We develop basic Christian understandings that lead to growth in spirituality and social justice. We distribute the Holy Bible to Vermont ministries. We are eight Christian denominations working together to promote Christian Unity, ecumenical dialogue, and prayers for the whole of Christ's church. We work together through a Board of Trustees and committees."
"We encourage local cooperation and closer ties among churches. We provide leadership in spreading Christian values throughout society. We develop basic Christian understandings that lead to growth in spirituality and social justice. "

"PJIC [The Peace, Justice, and Integrity of Creation Committee] is a standing committee of the Vermont Ecumenical Council and Bible Society. Its primary task, within the context of dialogue and prayer, is to address the matter of ‘practical collaboration’ (from purpose statement), especially in the areas of social justice...
Expectations: To hold monthly meetings for ‘intentional conversation’, sharing our witness of faith in the arenas of peace, justice and the integrity of creation. ...
To build relationships with other organizations engaging the issues which emerge from this pursuit of a social justice agenda.
To pursue advocacy of adopted positions and actions."

Members serving on Faith and Order Committee: Reverend Robret Athas, Professor James Chase, Mrs. Mary Margaret Hamlin, Reverend Meredith Handspicker, Rev. Dr. Steven Jewett, Reverend Thomas Mattison, Reverend Gregory Smith, Reverend Daniel Wright.

"This committee engages in a concentrated theological effort to assist the Members of the VEC&BS in achieving its goal of manifesting the visible unity of the Church of Jesus Christ. Through ecumenical dialogue, the members of the committee seek to overcome their dividing doctrinal differences, share their diverse theological insights and forms of life as a source of mutual renewal, and re-appropriate and express their common apostolic Tradition. "

"White Christians are called to go beyond avoiding, condemning and working against overt bigotry. We/they are also called to recognize that racism is not just about overt acts, but also about a complex web of attitudes and social structures that benefit Whites and disadvantage people of color. This “white privilege” is invisible to most Caucasians because it is the air that they breathe, omnipresent affirmations of whiteness and an absence of the suspicion, subtle harassment and, to some extent, cultural isolation with which people of color live. Not recognizing the wider context, Whites too often think people of color overreact to trivial incidents or slights. White Christians, however, are called to repent of and relinquish unearned advantage and unwitting complicity in the same way that they are called to repent of overt acts of evil."

"We turn to the Bible for an understanding of the human condition. All persons are children of God and each person and group of persons has a mission to manifest God's glory in unique ways. All persons, in both their diversity and their alikeness, are graced by God to contribute to the common good and to God's purposes for us.
God wills that we all live out our callings freely. We are responsible beings, called to work together in peace and justice, creating a world in which we are free from attack and degradation.

Yet human life is broken. Our individual and corporate lives are damaged, misdirected and destructive. This is inevitable when we do not seek and rely upon the grace of God. When we rely only on our own devices, we are fearful. We come to look upon others, especially those different from us in some way, with fear, distrust, animosity and hatred. We try to live our lives without reliance upon the love of God. We try to make do in the world without God. This is at the heart of what Christians call sin. We cannot escape this condition by ourselves."

Dummerston Congregational Church UCC Dummerston VT

"We are a Just Peace; Open and Affirming; and Multiracial and Multicultural Conference of the United Church of Christ, a covenantal body of Eight Associations and 144 Churches."

Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Lynn Bujnak

"The Uprooting Racism Task Force encourages churches to explore what it means to be extravagantly welcoming and inclusive, and provides materials to assist churches in becoming multiracial and multicultural. To this end, it has proposed resolutions to the state conference for discussion amongst churches and for vote by delegates to the annual meeting....The Task Force provides public witness and advocacy, such as testifying before the Vermont legislature in support of Act 91, which defined and set penalties for racial harassment in public schools; and writing letters to the editor. The Task Force also refers groups and individuals to other racial justice resources are as needed. "

[Act 91 is an exceedingly vague law that basically means if anyone is offended by any comment about race, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc, they can claim harassment regardless of whether the comment was even agressive, violent, or ill-intended. Such laws in the workplace have been used to repress religious comments or sharing faith.]

"While preserving relevant portions of heritage and history dating back to the 16th century, the UCC and its forebears have proven themselves capable of moving forward, tying faith to social justice and shaping cutting edge theology and service in an ever-changing world."

Memorial United Church of Christ Fitchburg WI

"We are an open and affirming congregation, which means, in our official language: "We welcome persons of all ages, races, sexual orientations and church backgrounds to participate in the life and ministry of our church."

"Within the range of Christian churches, we fall on the theologically progressive side of the spectrum. We are a congregation and a denomination that takes seriously what we learn from the Bible and from our Christian ancestors, but we are not a church of litmus tests...we affirm the responsibility of people in each generation to make this faith their own "in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression and in purity of heart before God." We are a place where people wrestle together with questions, doubts and new insights even as we all strive to live out Jesus' teachings."

"Our congregation has a long history of being involved with programs in Madison and around the world that work to foster justice and peace."

Environmental Defense Fund, National Resources Defense Council, Trust for Public Land, Sustain Dane, Food First, American Farmland Trust, Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy"

Trinity Episcopal Church Janesville WI

"What keeps us coming is the belief that God is greater than human sin and is all powerful to transform and change that human condition through Jesus Christ, who is Lord and Savior. We believe the Bible to be God's word to the world."

"Within the Anglican Communion we teach and affirm that the sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a divine institution. It is intended to be a lifelong and exclusive union and partnership between one man and one woman."

"Three faith leaders will openly be sharing scripture and its meaning from Islam, Judaism and Christianity on Sunday at 6 pm at Ortmayer Hall, 419 E. Court St. The Diversity Action Team of Janesville is sponsoring this event in conjunction with a nation wide effort sharing faith, tolerance, respect and understanding. Time will be given for question, answer and discussion. Seating will be on a first come basis. Two prior dialogues on Islam sponsored by DAT has drawn over one hundred people."

First Congregational Church UCC Casper Casper WY

-Reverend Dee Lundberg
"In 2003 she and her Church in Iowa City received the Multicultural, Multiracial, Just Peace, Open and Affirming award from the UCC at General Synod."

"Are you sick of the usual “Christian Rock” music? Do you want music that is relevant to your own life? Do you respect the old standards, yet still want something to rock to? Do you believe that new rock and rollers actually have important things to say too? ... then perhaps you’d like to check us out. We have a weekly rock and roll band who play a plethora of musical variety...We try to reach and respect everyone in the congregation with music that “moves us,” all under the roof of our moral and spiritual beliefs."

"Adult Spirituality Study Group:

Join us for this hour of personal exploration, as we study the scriptures, other sacred texts and contemporary works and find our place and purpose in it all.

Our first study will come from a book entitled “Jesus and the Lotus”

Drawing on a deep knowledge of Christian scripture as well as Hindu philosophy, musician and teacher Russill Paul reveals that the mystical core of religion offers us much more than the simple solace of unthinking dogma. By demonstrating that these two seemingly separate and irreconcilable religions can actually unite in one person's spiritual practice at the center of his life, as they did in his, he offers an alternative to religious intolerance and strife, as well as hope for personal liberation."

"They often say in Taizé, “To sing is to pray twice.”

The Taizé community is an ecumenical monastic order with a strong devotion to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. The 100-strong community of Roman Catholic and Protestant monks is drawn from 30 countries across the world...

Prayer and silence are at the heart of the Taizé experience. Young people from every corner of the globe are encouraged to live out the Christian gospel in a spirit of joy, simplicity and reconciliation....The singing of distinctive and much-repeated prayer chants during candlelit prayer services, interspersed with readings from scripture and other sacred writings, is one of its trademarks. Taizé music highlights simple phrases, usually lines from the Psalms or other pieces of scripture, repeated or sung. The repetition is designed to help meditation and prayer."

Monday, June 27, 2011

FaithShared Churches Comments

The list was too long to make a blog post, so comments can be made here.

The main point was that it seems to be a domino effect, churches giving up on the word of God to appear loving and tolerant in the eyes of the world.

True love/charity:
- is patient [Not damanding its wants met immediately, is long-tempered]
- is kind [full of service to others and gentle, not strongarming others into forced service]
-is not jealous [wanting to posses something that is not yours with a fervent, boiling eagerness]
-Does not brag, vaunt itself, announce itself to the world [For example, the reported personal charity in America the the IRS is twice as much as public, government charity. Unreported charity happens every day with no applause or attention except between the people who were helped.]
-Is not arrogant or puffed up [With self-inflated pride of good deeds done or attention gained]
-Does not act unbecomingly, dishonorably, or unseemingly [without proper form, indecently, such as in 1 Cor 7:36 acting 'unbecomingly' towards one's virgin betrothed]
-It does not seek itself [One's own gain]
-Is not provoked or roused to anger
-It does not take into account or figure out the bottom-line recompense that is due it for evil or malice that is suffered
-Is not glad about violations of God's standards/unrighteousness/His righteous judgements and God's justice
-Rejoices with the truth: divine truth revealed to man, sincere and straitforward, true to fact reality. [As opposed to rejecting the idea of knowing any absolute truth or truth being relative]
-wards off all things, [shielded by God]
-entrusts all things to Christ/has Faith through all circumstances
-Hopes/Trusts through all circumstances
-endures all things [stands its ground, bears up under the load]
-Love never falls down under condemnation