Monday, June 27, 2011

FaithShared Churches Comments

The list was too long to make a blog post, so comments can be made here.

The main point was that it seems to be a domino effect, churches giving up on the word of God to appear loving and tolerant in the eyes of the world.

True love/charity:
- is patient [Not damanding its wants met immediately, is long-tempered]
- is kind [full of service to others and gentle, not strongarming others into forced service]
-is not jealous [wanting to posses something that is not yours with a fervent, boiling eagerness]
-Does not brag, vaunt itself, announce itself to the world [For example, the reported personal charity in America the the IRS is twice as much as public, government charity. Unreported charity happens every day with no applause or attention except between the people who were helped.]
-Is not arrogant or puffed up [With self-inflated pride of good deeds done or attention gained]
-Does not act unbecomingly, dishonorably, or unseemingly [without proper form, indecently, such as in 1 Cor 7:36 acting 'unbecomingly' towards one's virgin betrothed]
-It does not seek itself [One's own gain]
-Is not provoked or roused to anger
-It does not take into account or figure out the bottom-line recompense that is due it for evil or malice that is suffered
-Is not glad about violations of God's standards/unrighteousness/His righteous judgements and God's justice
-Rejoices with the truth: divine truth revealed to man, sincere and straitforward, true to fact reality. [As opposed to rejecting the idea of knowing any absolute truth or truth being relative]
-wards off all things, [shielded by God]
-entrusts all things to Christ/has Faith through all circumstances
-Hopes/Trusts through all circumstances
-endures all things [stands its ground, bears up under the load]
-Love never falls down under condemnation

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